Product Description
3-Way Antenna Mount with UHF SO-239 Connector Coaxial Cable
This popular three-way antenna mount is versatile allowing for mounting on a vehicle or structural support such as a hand rail, pole or directly to a wall or other flat surfaces. Almost unlimited mounting configurations. Three way infers the mount can be positioned in either horizonal, vertical, or the backing plate removed to allow for surface mounting. It has a square bolt pattern. The included hardware can be easily replaced with longer bolts to allow for mounting on thicker structural members.
- Antenna Connector: UHF (SO-239)
- Cable Connector: PL-259
- Cable Length: ~ 17-Feet
- Mount: Aluminum
- Cable: RG-58
- Jacket: Black
- 50-Ohms
- Square Bolt Pattern
- Measured: 2-3/8" (H) x 2-1/8" (L) x 2" (W)